Der Prozess von Budapest
Katholikos Kyriake Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena
We are dedicated to the way of truth and peace and justice in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Deus Lucis Jesus Christ! To Him be the glory and power of the Infinite Posted: 08 Sep 2014 08:44 AM Deus Lucis Jesus Christ! To Him be the glory and power of the Infinite Light forever and ever!! Mother Sigrid Eliora It is the crimes that are based on violently breaking sacred trust suffered in silence that harm society as a whole, as the victims learn that a few, who live unspeakable decadence and pestilence allow ever wider circles to do the same, only to cover up their own organised criminality that they commit under abuse of authority and diplomatic immunity and impunity, and not that rarely so-called pillars of society are infecting a whole community with their notoriety and keep them quiet via a form of bribery or via threats, and thus almost everybody with anybody cheats and holy souls with that top hierarchy fouls spreading beast even with poison in the wine at church from the lurch a holy man and woman and child maltreats at the Eucharistic feast. Quite some corrupt loyalty of some Scots, who want to put shame on royalty, so that they can be symbolically beheaded, as that was long by many dreaded and underneath London's crypts and government buildings under walls of silence by many traitors threaded, and they made the mistake too early to boast that they would eventually rule the United Kingdom from coast to coast, and drive out from Scotland a queen on the mule. Somebody is always, even in one's in-law family in these kind of circles with their own secret society on even more money and property keen, and sometimes their boots of the guards are still rubbing in some piratery blackgold and are bribed like once by William the evil grandson and malicious Kaiser, by a self-appointed majesty, who steals even a tin off Mr sheen, as she is stingy and to old and new pseudo-power so very clingy. It could be anybody in that kind of horror scenario secret society with its artificially wed family for extension and expansion of influence they put on anybody a red flag, once they have fulfilled their purpose, and spit out the blood of a shot Scottish stag. And God is on spilling the beans on all the bloody secret societies here and there in a rightful mood and nobody can prevent Him from doing so, as He is moving from one blue robed secret society order to another also in green, red, white and purple and brown and black and orange and up and down the spectrum under a hood and He has been receiving for once the truth out of one, who was also on the top four hierarchies with a plectrum and who pulled most evil strings under his dark lord wings, but who now as part of his bail conditions to God's glory nothing but the truth sings and puts wrong right without any unholy fight also the loose ends for a murdered drummer, and truth hummer, and from last night no longer the law bends and no longer hammers and knives as the last straw, as he was arrested at the last secret society draw, and has told all, and who with whom where and when which palace, building, cathedral and church with what infested. So, no secret society member will get the expected return for what they invested!!! And they suddenly will a certain law bill remember that will be in their case an especially hard to swallow bitter pill! God knows, how in wolves through their own and through holy sheep at the right time and in the right place with their true face fear of Him and the truth to instill, as Jesus Christ has risen as Deus Lucis, and Lucifer is out of the picture and a holy man out of a false frame of invented shame and ill-fame! |
P.S.:Meus dominus Deus Lucis Iesus Christus vocat. Ergo sum. Posted: 07 Sep 2014 02:48 PM PDT P.S.:Meus dominus Deus Lucis Iesus Christus vocat. Ergo sum. Mother Sigrid Eliora Sigrid Else 13 hours ago God will simply leave all evildoers to their own, and won't even bother them a trial to grant, as they keep about their 'innocence' adamant, although they sold each other and the truth out, and thus, He removes them from any story and lets them strand even on Strand in their dead route bus, and declares them as heretical pus. Deus lucis declares one Lucifer a thing of the past, as God Himself gives all evildoers a taste of their own medicine and reduces all orgies to an eternal fast and spreads all evil deeds in a strategic news blast and makes even Satan in his own underworld outcast! Sigrid Else originally shared: Turns out that most of the high elocution obsession with academic smokescreen delusion is actually heresy and pantheology and nothing to do with the truth of the one good God Jesus Christ in the Holy Trinity, and most professors are anyway secretly members of many a secret society of various degrees of notoriety, even with their fees, and subscribe to anything with evil vibe, not just in Tibetan warfaring lore but also in freemasonry in their shore and pagan murky bloody sees with hammers and knives, and they also cheat on their wives and their lovers and children systematically maltreat. Sigrid Else originally shared: Turns out that most of the high elocution obsession with academic smokescreen delusion is actually heresy and pantheology and nothing to do with the truth of the one good God Jesus Christ in the Holy Trinity, and most professors are anyway secretly members of many a secret society of various degrees of notoriety, even with their fees, and subscribe to anything with evil vibe, not just in Tibetan warfaring lore but also in freemasonry in their shore and pagan murky bloody sees with hammers and knives, and they also cheat on their wives and their lovers and children systematically maltreat. And as for popes past and present - they rather let the living truth kill or put on her a death spell than the truth of Jesus Christ to tell but some of their victims have lived, and the others in heaven with their soul through their faith survived and all do from heaven on earth on all heresy and other evil, including the organised criminality and sickening fascist fourth Roman empire phantasy enforced by Vatican hierarchy the beans with peaceful means spill. And the truth felt even in the bones of popes destroys of all their heretical and power ambition under their secret society cones secretly their hopes, and instills in them a never known of God fear, and as none of them anymore with the emerging facts of most unholy acts copes in their shore, one can even see them shed occasionally a crocodile tear of self-pity, as time is up to release the truth about The holy matrimony of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala and the fate of their holy family, as for them it has always been reality, most brutally suppressed and hidden even in places that are to holy souls forbidden. So, please, ye popes, spare us your fake piety, as you are not guilt-ridden from your collective and individual notoriety, and go to Canossa with your real faces, as back to you come now all your stones! And one paid for by Rome, who also has no longer a home under any dome, as he was reported by some, for whom finally justice through the law has come. Sigrid Else 13 hours ago God will simply leave all evildoers to their own, and won't even bother them a trial to grant, as they keep about their 'innocence' adamant, although they sold each other and the truth out, and thus, He removes them from any story and lets them strand even on Strand in their dead route bus, and declares them as heretical pus. Sunday, 7 September 2014Meus dominus Deus Lucis Iesus Christus vocat. Ergo sum. Mother Sigrid ElioraSigrid Else originally shared: Benedictus, qui venit in nomine domini!!! Und Gott sagt:'nun, da ich habe jeden verurteilt, der war angeklagt, kann ich endlich wieder selbst im Sommer wie im Winter ganz tief und beruhigt schlafen, und ueberlasse Jesus Christus mit Maria Magdalena das Wachen von ihren heiligen Schafen und lasse sie selbst machen das Kontrollieren von allen Strafen, denn nur sie wissen mit mir, wer wirklich gut ist und wer boese, und die Boesen tun sie einfach nicht mehr von deren Zweifeln und Sorgen und ihrem neuen schlechten Gewissen erloesen, und ihnen Geistesgaben nur zum Testen ihrer Ehrlichkeit borgen, und die muessen immer fuerchten um ihre Verhaftung und ihr Ueberleben jeden morgen aufs neu, denn die haben viel zu lange und einmal zu oft meine treue Familie gerissen und gebissen und taten sie anhissen, und sind eh immer nur sich selber treu! Und meine Familie ist nur am Anfang in einer Umgebung, die neu ist, scheu, aber dann geht es munter und froehlich zu, und ich schaue meiner lieben Familie so ueberaus gerne beim Spielen und Necken zu, und zum Essen tun sie mich auch in meinem Zimmer von meinem Schlummer wecken, und wenn sie haben Kummer und dann tue ich sie auch mal durch einen Hund oder gutes Tier liebevoll schlecken, und mich genuesslich im Wald ausstrecken, waehrend ich gleichzeitig tue ein Neugeborenes sanft zudecken. -- |