Order of St Rudolf of Habsburg (OSR)
St Rudolf speaks out:
Let me tell you this, now that I am safe from you evildoers
and can speak finally out the truth from heaven about your part in my
murder and the slander against my family and against our
reputation, with which you wanted to prevent the manifestation
of the one holy nation in my parent's time and mine to come -
a life of holiness still seems to be too much to ask for most these
days, from where I am standing, and not just for some.
But I tell you now, over is soon also even in your underground
the era of the rotten golden cow, as Babylon is falling apart, and
your kind of empire will get after a fresh moral overhawl from God
personally directed a new and fresh start with the implementation
of Jesus Christ's living law, and then even the last devil's den will
at least have to pretend as beasts amongst the sheep that they have
ended their lame game against holy women like my mother,
who is the most loving mother hen, and not treat the holy truth as
the last straw.
And I have also asked my Father to put wrong right, as he has
been betrayed even by his own brother, and by the way, my dad
and me never went from God astray but we had to pretend at times
in order to infiltrate your ranks of pranks, ye treacherous warlord breed,
that we support your growth of weed but in fact, my parent's and mine
communication was always telepathically intact, as we often had to
be apart physically as the likes of you started to get all too viciously
planning our individual and family assassination, and we have a long
memory in our souls of your games that are full of fouls and of broken
vows' violation.
And, sadly, my wife was no exception in that respect, and her high
treason in any given marital season was the real reason for my
mother's and mine behaviour towards her as we obeyed Jesus Christ
the Saviour and cut off all ties to those, who spread about us only ever
lies and surrounded us with their spies, as they started to overgrow us
like a cancer and that did not exactly contribute to the peace and harmony
and unity neither in the world nor in our family. It is a cross to have the
burden of worldly royalty as well as one's heart's loyalty to God on one's shoulder.
I never wished any harm on anybody, and I personally would have preferred
to serve God like a poor shepherd on a farm but He put me in that position
of a crown prince because He wanted my soul to have the chance to come to life
again in a position of worldly power in order to continue, what already St Imre
was denied as the mustard seed sower.
And, by the way, I was always secretly a family member of the original ancient Holy Rose
order, from the beginning of time, which has nothing to do with a man-made greedy and seedy pseudo-religious money and property horder, who only ever wanted to manipulate with alchemy
all people across every border. I am not a magician, nor am I an alchemist, but you know,
God did on me some very special gifts bestow, so that I could either in the darkness even
either appear to whomever the Holy Spirit would choose as a saint with a holy glow or to
God's enemies as the biggest scarecrow, and my parents were always the ones in every incarnation,
who let with their true love and in purity the milk and honey of heaven also on earth
freely and generously flow;
and my soul was already in Aaron's position slandered and treated as an Anti-Christ but
God and heaven always knew that I had to Him all my gifts surrendered and I obeyed
and served only ever God and Jesus Christ is my father and it was Him, who gave me
instruction to be also the Infinite light's rod together with the rest of our family, who
work as a team and we do now let our train to new horizons steam, and we shall see
only evermore the faithful and repentant souls of you in our dream to share with you
for free, what Jesus Christ made all along available for free in His very own Holy Rose
See, as who wants to drown in our tears and man-stirred fears in some murky corrupt
and filthy shore of the babylonian whore -
and I must say I do enjoy this mementum of being finally in my soul alone a heavenly roy as I do not need any kind of Quacksalber secret society cone but only ever the right living holy family's creed and to sow, wherever I am being sent Jesus Christ's mustard seed and Adam and Eve's truth to this day, and I am not in need of any kind of inhuman man-made crown nor do I need some fancy
dressing gown, as God's enemies have in their Judas church too much of their own idolatry shown
and pointed the finger at themselves by removing and replacing the original holy books with ones stolen and made-up by spiritual heretical crooks, who were anyway only ever paid spooks, who had sold their souls to the devil and who only ever heresy told and who let even their evil concertedly in their secret societies unfold by committing on a big scale organised war- and scare- and whoremongering in all grades of varieties of all given notorieties, and I will not forgive those,
who against me and our family order of the Holy Rose committed any improprieties, and who do them still not repent - their sins are retained, as they have to this very day from repentance and from
putting wrong right by telling the truth refrained, and so, they are from now on in their own mind's prison's hell detained until such a time that God decides, when and where to confront them publicly
with their every crime, and He won't any longer let for any of these souls a bell warningly toll nor
will they be able to hear our heavenly chime - they can only ever taste from now on their own lemon and lime sour spit, as once too often did they try again one of us to hit, and to spread about us their
ancient bullshit, and to wish upon our friends a fit.
P.S.: And I do not take it lightly that you even mocked me with your Satan's reindeer, and for that
God will you with His sleigh to a particularly cold zone in your stone heart steer, as you have the longest time been a self-made peer, as true nobility does not screech unmusically in their tone!!!
And I will personally take down from your head your secret society cone, when I come down to earth to Mary Magdala's kitchen hearth and then God will with all saints from there symbolically return to you and your every clan of Israel and beyond your every stone against us, and we will declare you simply to the world as spiritual pus for having lied to a majority about our eternal holy family's story's omnibus, whihc was always to God's glory!!!
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Anno Domini Iesu Christi 25th January MMXII
Mother Superior
Order of the Holy Rose (OHR)
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