God's mansion has a room for everybody, & is rent-free with only 1 condition:a life of nutrition & sins abolition& trust in holy admonition.
Greed is the root of all evil & lust for power, so, stop being greedy & seedy, &start to nurture in God's garden for free every holy flower.
The kingdom of God shines in us all to feed Jesus Christ's mustard seed to those in need &to save from extinction man and cod with His creed
The living word of Jesus Christ heals every worry,anxiety &fear, & it is in our hearts that the whole kingdom of God is to us always near.
The living word of Jesus Christ is not a poet's composition-it is God's inspiration in the Holy Spirit's light speed brought to fruition.
There is no wine more sweet & bread better served to the ten thousand than the living word of Jesus Christ for free in a tweet in a holy See
Jesus Christ doesn't need an eagle to return, He simply lives His creed & does His flock feed ever so sweet with a tweet.
Those, who truly follow Jesus Christ in His footsteps will always share all for free & never ever charge a membership fee for God's See.
Jesus Christ was copied by many clones but they were only via name out for fame & throw even to this day at Him their stones on His way.
Love God with all your heart and all your soul, and let His love settle into your bones -then you won't be hurt by any false friar's stones.
The bread&the wine offered by Jesus Christ is His living word, & we receive it for free in His holy See,to which leads us Our good shepherd.
The living word of Jesus Christ is our daily bread and if we eat it, we will never go wrong but instead grow evermore strong.
Jesus Christ is so humble as a shepherd that even the devil the nerd does over his own hoof stumble & has no more dead word left to mumble.
Holy truth makes itself heard even in the most silent bookshelf, when God finds 3 books & binds the 3 beards of heretical spooks.
Make every thought&deed&word a holy act of praying in Jesus Christ, & then the holy truth of His creed is a fact, & His daily feed intact.
The good news is the kingdom of God is near - in us! We only have to answer and act upon His voice that we in our hearts hear. Jesus Christ
A sin starts in thought & if we do not repent, it will be retained, & even if in a dream we have refrained to confess a mess we are stained.
Live every day by following God's voice & command in your heart, as it might be the last to follow Jesus Christ on the only remaining way.
If we listen to the voice of Jesus Christ, we cannot go wrong, even if God asks from us, what would normally not be our choice.
Speak and live the truth as it is presented to you by Jesus Christ, as all else is illusion.
At the Name of Jesus Christ bow in utmost obedience to God and in humility & woe to the soul, who commits blasphemy and mockery in His Name.
He's got the whole world in His hand& Jesus Christ never for any election stands but rules the universe with his eternal holy wedding bands.
Share freely, what you have been given for free, & no Holy See of Jesus Christ charges for anything a fee but is to all holy souls a family.
I am the resurrection and the life, says Jesus Christ, through Mary Magdala, his eternal beloved wife.
Jesus Christ saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Be patient toward all, influential and destitute alike. Szent Istvan
Peace loving monarchs rule, the rest only tyrannize. Szent Istvan
Peace loving monarchs rule, the rest only tyrannize. Be patient toward all, influential and destitute alike. Szent Istvan
Jesus Christ is THE way, THE truth and THE life. All else is illusion.
Mother Superior
Order of the Holy Rose (OHR)
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